Seattle based nutrition consulting for diabetes, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and kidney stone prevention

Amy Higbee, RDN CD CDCES

15+ years experience as a Registered Dietitian with expertise in CKD, ESRD, diabetes, kidney stones and senior nutrition.

Telehealth and in-person appointments accepted: Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) to help delay CKD progression, prevent or treat complications and improve your quality of life.

Most major insurances accepted, including Medicare, Aetna, Cigna, and Premera Blue Cross

A Kidney RD can help with:

  • Slowing kidney disease progression
  • Delaying or preventing dialysis
  • Improving blood sugars
  • Blood pressure control
  • Reducing proteinuria
  • Preventing kidney stone reoccurrence

What you can expect

Your initial visit starts with an in-depth interview where we will review your medical information including lab results, full diet recall, and discuss your preferences. Then we work together using food models, examples and picture-based handouts to create a personalized plan for optimal health based on your goals. Follow up visits will be scheduled for coaching and additional medical nutrition therapy.

Learn more on our services page about:

  • Kidney Stone Prevention
  • Chronic Kidney Disease Medical Nutrition Therapy
  • Diabetes Medical Nutrition Therapy

Thrive MNT LLC

  • 5410 California Ave, SW, Ste 102
  • (206) 384-8226